"Underground Educational Programs Combat Russian Propaganda in Occupied Ukraine"

 NEWSLINE PAPER,- During the turbulent initial weeks of Russia's extensive incursion into Ukraine, Nataliia—a pseudonym for her—had to make a tough choice. She abandoned her 20-year teaching career along with her house and loved ones when she fled her birthplace of Melitopol in the South. Living under Russian rule was intolerable to Nataliia, thus she felt obliged to help the cause in areas that were still under Ukrainian authority.
Now under Russian rule, Melitopol is in a terrible state of affairs. Vladimir Putin images adorn Nataliia's former classrooms, and the curriculum it teachess Ukrainian students undermines the country's sovereignty. They are forced to write "inspirational letters" to Russian soldiers and forced to perform the Russian national song. Threats of violence against children and their families are made in response to any opposition.

Realizing how urgent the situation was, Nataliia and her former coworkers intervened. In an effort to combat the propaganda and brainwashing imposed by Russian authorities, they developed an online learning platform that gives Ukrainian kids access to the real Ukrainian curriculum.

The platform's launch was not without risk. Any reference to the word "occupation" would draw attention from Russian authorities, and any declarations of allegiance to Ukraine might have dire repercussions. Nevertheless, hundreds of families supported Nataliia's campaign in spite of the risks because they wanted to protect their children's Ukrainian identity and culture.

The secretive character of the virtual courses mirrors the dangerous circumstances in which they are conducted. Students use bogus identities and turn off their cameras to avoid being discovered as they attend Russian school during the day and take part in covert online Ukrainian lectures in the evening. For those who are unable to attend live sessions because of connectivity or power problems, recordings are available.

For Nataliia, the project is important not just for information transfer but also for keeping Ukrainian kids connected to their roots. Students are under a great deal of strain and confusion due to the psychological effects of the Russian propaganda, which is evident during this turbulent time.

The 14-year-old student Valera (not his real name) is a prime example of the fight against Russification. He participates in online Ukrainian studies in defiance of attending a Russian school. He describes acts of disobedience, such standing for the Russian anthem even though it was dangerous.

Despite the difficulties, Nataliia is unwavering in her goal. Although she is aware of the significant challenges presented by Russia's occupation, she is steadfast in her resolve to protect the next generation from brainwashing. The struggle for the hearts and minds of Ukrainian youngsters is becoming more intense as the occupation continues, which emphasizes how crucial projects like Nataliia's are to maintaining Ukrainian identity in the face of hardship.
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