Democracy, Deepfakes, and the AI Balancing Act

 NEWSLINE PAPER,-  The talk about artificial intelligence (AI) has intensified, raising worries about how it could affect democratic processes and elections. Convincing visual and audio manipulations known as deepfakes loom large, confusing and mistrusting voters. In the meantime, UK security services and authorities struggle to prevent outside meddling in the impending general election.
We shouldn't, however, ignore AI's possible advantages in the middle of the panic. Benignly, there are initiatives in progress to use AI to advance democracy rather than to undermine it.

Spotting Deepfakes and Seizing Opportunities

Hannah O’Rourke, co-founder of Campaign Lab

Co-founder of the left-leaning tech-savvy network Campaign Lab, Hannah O'Rourke, claims that although artificial intelligence (AI) has potential for deception, it also offers urgently needed campaign opportunities. The secret is in carrying things out responsibly.

Campaign Lab’s AI Journey

Campaign Lab trains Labour and Liberal Democrat campaigners to leverage ChatGPT

Labour and Liberal Democrat campaigners are taught by Campaign Lab to use the AI language model ChatGPT to create election brochures. They go carefully, though. Sometimes big language models "hallucinate," imagining made-up information. Editing still matters a lot.

Chatbots and Engaging Conversations

Experimental work is underway. Bots help canvassers practise their doorstep talks. After all, widely used programmes like Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Outlook already have AI. Why not use it sensibly to improve democratic debate?


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