Dragon Ball: Japan manga creator Akira Toriyama dies

 Dragon Ball is one of the most famous and well-liked Japanese comic series of all time. Its creator has died at the age of 68.

His studio said on Friday that Akira Toriyama died of a sudden subdural hematoma, which is a type of bleeding near the brain.

Dragon Ball is very popular all over the world, and its manga series has been turned into animation shows and movies.

Fans all over the world have thanked Mr. Toriyama for creating figures that they will always remember fondly from their childhood.

Since its first issue in 1984, the Dragon Ball manga has been following Son Goku's adventures as he tries to collect magical dragon balls to protect Earth from Saiyans, an alien threat.

When he died, Mr. Toriyama still had work to do on some projects.

Based on a statement from the Dragon Ball website, his funeral on March 1 was only attended by close family and a few close friends.

"While he had much more to accomplish, he leaves behind a legacy of manga and artistic creations," he said.

"We hope that Akira Toriyama's distinctive creative universe continues to be cherished by fans for generations to come," said the group.

Fans have sent a lot of sad messages on social media.

"Thank you for making a manga that helped define my childhood." One post on X that said, "Rest in peace and thank you for your service" got 500 likes right away.

"It's heartbreaking, too soon," said someone else on X.

"His influence will last forever." "Thank you for making Akira the most famous anime character ever," wrote another fan.

Dr. Slump, a book about the adventures of a young girl robot named Arale and her creator, made Mr. Toriyama famous in the early 1980s. He was born in Nagoya, Japan, in 1955.

But Dragon Ball made him famous all over the world. For many fans, Son Goku's rise from a beginner martial artist to a powerful hero is a lot like their own journey through self-doubt as an adult.

Many fan works and cosplayers who copy the characters' unique haircuts have been inspired by Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball action models can be found in toy stores all over Asia. The animated series has been translated into many languages.

In an interview with the Japanese newspaper Asahi in 2013, Mr. Toriyama talked about how amazed he was by Dragon Ball's fame around the world.

He termed the show a "miracle" and said it helped him, despite being shy, connect with others and make a useful contribution.

According to the news service AFP, he said, "When I made the series, my only goal was to make Japanese boys happy."
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